So I’ve been having neck problems for a while on and off, and Thursday morning I reached for something and was basically incapacitated by sharp pains in the right side of my neck. For the rest of the day I could barely move my head and I hardly made it through the work day. I had never visited a chiropractor and was a little nervous about it, but I felt like I had to do something or I wouldn’t be able to do my job in the morning (anesthesia for kiddos that day). That night I had an appointment with Tyler at Created for Motion. After over an hour of work I had much better range of motion and what was causing sharp, shooting pain was only causing a dull ache. He taped me up and we made appointments to continue this week, and I feel sooooo much better! I have almost full ROM back and any pain I still have is tolerable. I even managed a 6 mile run without aggravating my bulging disc. I am so grateful for Tyler’s help!!! I know he will have me ready for my half ironman on Saturday! I can’t recommend him and his wife Michelle enough. They’re awesome people too!