Many people don’t realize that infants and children can benefit from chiropractic care. Even though I do not have kids yet myself (besides the four-legged kind), I absolutely love treating infants and children. From a very young age I have always enjoyed kids and this extends into my job on a daily basis.
Let’s start from the very beginning, chiropractic care can help infertility issues. I have helped numerous couples achieve pregnancy whether it be from a chiropractic and/or acupuncture standpoint including co-treatment with IVF treatments. We also discuss how mom can and needs to take care of her body both physically and mentally. I can’t tell you how happy and ecstatic I am when they tell me they have had a positive pregnancy test; sometimes I truly think I am sometimes more excited than the couple.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy for mom is very important also. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy has been proven to help labor and delivery go smoother and faster. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy helps balance mom’s pelvis and ligaments so baby can be in the most optimal position for birth. Webster Technique/Protocol is a specific technique that I use to help balance mom’s pelvis and ligaments. (
Today’s topic is going to focus more on chiropractic care for babies and infants. I have seen infants and children for a number of different things. It has ranged from colic, ear infections, bed wetting (in older children), issues with equal breastfeeding on each side, improvements in sleeping, and many others. The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) has many studies showing the safety and efficacy on chiropractic care for children. Here is just one: .
Why should children receive chiropractic care? In short, birth is a traumatic event. Whether we recognize it or not, trauma happens; for example: a short or long labor, use of drugs to induce or strengthen contractions, pulling or assisted (forceps, vacuum, etc) vaginal delivery.
How will my child be adjusted? They are so small….

I first assess the baby’s spine and joints to find and locate areas that are restricted, not moving correctly. Then I discuss with the parent what I am finding and use a very safe, gentle manipulation to increase the function of the joint. Many times babies get more relaxed throughout their appointment and are happy and/or sleepy at the end.
All babies go through the same developmental stages as they grow and learn more about themselves. This is why it is important for infants to be allowed to develop on their time; meaning not put in a sitting position before they can do it themselves or “walking” while parents hold onto their arms. Developmental stages are so important, not to be rushed or skipped over.
Here is an example: when an infant is born they have little to no control of their diaphragm/core/pelvic floor. This is why they are unable to hold their head up and when they cry often they arch their back and go rigid. After a few weeks, they have more control of their diaphragm and then can stabilize to hold their head, start to focus on objects, etc.

Assessing an infant in the office, I often just watch them to see where they are at in the developmental sequence. I also look at reflexes to make sure they are developing on track neurologically. Adjusting kids as I mentioned above is completely different than adjusting adults. They often respond much faster than adults and parents can see a change quickly.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our office! I would love to be able to help your little one.
Thank you to the website for several pictures and references to articles. Feel free to click on the above website to do your own research on all their topics!